By direct control I mean that players don't just point and tell their Sims where to go, but now instead use the analog stick to move their Sim in the world.
Player engage and interact within a beach-themed town where they take direct control over a Sim, guiding them in a fully streaming world (much like the PC version, where you can zoom in and out and around the town at will). The single player portion of Sims 3 for Wii is the part that's most like the original. Instead, what players get are two separate games that differ significantly from their PC cousin: a single player mode where you take direct control over your Sims with a unique new building system and innovative career-based gameplay, and a multiplayer mode that takes the elements of The Sims people love and sets them in an entirely new game show theme that's entirely unexpected.
The Sims 3 for Wii is not just simply a port of the original PC game.